XIQS Get Day Pass Info

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XIQS Get Day Pass Info - Day Pass Management

getXIQSDayPassInfo ( [ Long id_partition ] )
Get a list of all DayPass parameters owned by partition. Only administrator can execute this function, and he will get the full list of all available day passes unless a 'id_partition' parameter is specified. If he need day pass info for particular device he can use filter field for it.
[ Long id_partition ] Partition Id
Return Values
List List of Day pass parameters
Long id - Device Id

String name - Name of the Mifi device

Long pass_duration - Day pass duration

Long pass_maxdata - Total amount of kilobytes of internet data that the user can consume during a pass or an extra pass at full speed of the device (4G)

Long pass_maxlowspeeddata - Total amount of kilobytes of internet data that the user can consume at a degraded speed (2G speed) till end of the pass

Long pass_number - Total number of passes purchased by the end user and still not consumed

Long pass_extranumber - Total number of extra passes purchased by the end user and still not consumed

String pass_businessinfo - specific information that can be used by user to filter or identify a specific device or group of devices

Long pass_maxcountrydata - Total amount of kilobytes of internet data that the user can consume in specified countries

Long pass_countrygroup - Group id of countries with pass_maxcountrydata extra kilobytes

Error Data structure ( Error Management )

Possible failure code returns
See Also


Personal tools
XIQS XML Protocol
XIQS Framework Libraries
XIQS Command List